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Interview with Harry the Handyman (AKA Simon)

This week, builder and actor Simon Pengelly shot to fame after commuters noticed how much he looked like a well-known ginger haired Royal. So if you’re curious about the man behind the ad, we spoke to him about how five minutes in the spotlight feels and what he plans to do next with his now cult-like celeb status. Strictly Come Dancing – watch this space.

Shot of Rated People ad on the London Underground

1. So, first things first – has anyone ever mistaken you for Prince Harry before?

I can’t really say I’ve been mistaken for Harry before now, people have said I look a bit like Jason Statham when I’m shaved all tidy, only slightly bigger!

2. Your face has probably been one of the most talked about in the world’s media over the past few days – how does that feel?

WOW, that’s a lot to take in to be honest. I haven’t done anything of any worth for that! This whole thing has been a bit of a shock. I did some work with Rated People a few years ago and they wanted to rerun this photo. I  didn’t think anything of it until Sunday when I was getting messages off friends. The whole thing has been a great laugh to be honest with you.

3. How did the Rated People ad come about?

It was a while back now and I can’t quite remember. I know there was an audition and I think the fact that I’m a builder and kind of rugged looking helped me get the role haha!

4. What have your friends and family said about the advert?

They’ve all been great fun with a bit of banter and support, and they all hope this might help further my acting career. I’m sure the banter won’t stop anytime soon mind.

5. Is there anything you’d like to do with your newfound fame?

I suppose I’d just like the whole thing to maybe push a few doors open for some auditions. I’ve been acting for a few years now and to be given a chance to audition for a few casting directors would definitely be a step in the right direction. Failing that I could always take Harry’s place if the Queen is on the lookout for a new grandson.

6. Which trade do you think Harry would be best at?

That’s a tough one, he seems pretty bright so probably an electrician.

Rated People CEO, Celia Francis says:

“Our tube ads seem to be inspiring some great comedy. We love all the one-liners! It was a happy accident that our model looks a bit like Prince Harry but we do think that Harry has more in common with tradespeople than you might think. Rated People tradespeople are working hard to serve our country every day.

We’d be delighted to have Harry fitting kitchens or installing lighting (once he’s skilled in whatever trade he chooses) if he’s looking for a new job. So … you never know, post a job on Rated People and Harry might turn up!”

A huge thanks to Simon for joining in on the fun, and to the tube-going public for bringing to our attention that we might have accidentally recruited a royal!

If you’re a tradesperson with a celebrity lookalike, you can enter our competition to be featured in a future Rated People ad, here.

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