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The cost of damage caused in Christmas movies

To celebrate the Christmas season, we’ve enlisted the help of our expert database of tradespeople to reveal the top five most destructive Christmas movies of all time, according to how much it would cost to repair everything that gets damaged within the films. Because while Christmas is a time of love and joy, its also a time where some things can get broken, as these movies show…

Taking the top spot is the 1988 blockbuster Die Hard with its over the top action scenes totalling an eye watering £15,192,394 worth of damage to the iconic Nakatomi Plaza office block and its surroundings. In second place came Gremlins with the mischievous, evil creatures inflicting £544,415 of damage to the fictional town of Kingston Falls.

Here’s the full top five:

  1. Die Hard: £15,192,394
  2. Gremlins: £544,415
  3. Home Alone 2: £217,730
  4. The Grinch: £152,815
  5. Paddington: £34,547

You can see the highest cost damages below, and just scroll further for information on our expert panel and detail on the full damages list for each film.

Our expert panel includes:

And, for those who wanted to see our workings out, you can see the full list of damages for each of the top films, and the cost it amounted to below.


Die Hard:

ItemDescriptionCost to repair/replace
Marble flooringSurface damage due to small explosive£1,000
Electrical wiring in IT roomWires completely ripped out by force to all connecting computers£200
2x metal cabinet doorsDamaged with a circular saw£120
DoorDoor kicked and dented£150
Phone wires and electricsChainsaw ran right through electrical wiring and their protective metal surrounds£680
Office ceilingMachine gun bullet holes in ceiling from warning fire£50,000
John Phillip’s SuitCovered in blood£150
Drywall and metal supportsCompletely broken through during a fight£100,000
Internal plasterboard wallLarge hole punched through wall during a fight£900
Wooden doorDented and ripped from hinges during a fight£150
Office deskThrew over in a fit of rage£120
ComputerThrown on floor£400
LampThrown on floor and smashed£20
Concrete floor of helipadBullet hole damage from machine gun fire£500
Steel doorBullet hole damage, especially to handle£100
Metal air ventilation shaftBullet hole damage from machine gun fire£100,000
Carpet/flooringDamage from gunfire£1,500
Office chairSmashed into window£50
Large window x2Glass shattered£250
Conference tableBullet hole damage£1,000
Police carSignificant damage from body being thrown on to its bonnet from a large height, and driving backwards through a fence£14,324
Metal fenceCar driven through fence, breaking it£4,000
Large industrial safeCompletely broken in to£2,000
Large window x3Glass shattered by gunfire£250
Large industrial spotlightShot out with sniper rifle£200
Police tankBlown up with bazooka shot£8,000,000
Concrete steps – externalDamaged due to explosion from bazooka shot£3,900
Metal handrail on external stairwayRammed by car and significantly damaged£1,200
Fire extinguisher glassSmashed£50
Metal doorStruck with axe£300
Office block entire floor x3Large C4 explosion shattering all windows and fire damage/wreckage across entire floor£291,000
Elevator shaftStrong fire damage due to C4 explosion£450,000
2x elevator carriagesBlown up£100,000
Large internal glass wall/partition which runs the length of an entire office floorCompletely shattered by gunfire£2,000
Office flooringDamaged by explosion – fire damage and denting£2,900
Computer x3Damaged by bullet fire£1,200
Office desk x3Damaged by bullet fire£360
Metal doorDamaged by bullet fire£300
Drinks glasses x15Smashed£20
Large floor to ceiling windowCompletely shattered£2,000
Military HelicopterCrash landed – completely ruined£6,000,000
Concrete external flooringShattered due to helicopter crash landing on it£3,900
Entire office floor x35Waterlogged due to sprinkler system running and soaking all carpeting, walls etc.£30,000
Floor to ceiling windowShattered due to body falling through it£2,000
LimoCrashed in to van£10,000
VanCrashed in to by limo£10,000
Garage doorDriven through by limo£700
Rolex watchDropped from high up on skyscraper to concrete and fire below£2,500


ItemDescriptionCost to repair/replace
CarDriven into a lamppost – broken bumper with smoke coming out£4,000
Garden ornamentHead snapped off and dropped£100
CarpetMogwai sick on carpet – cleaning required£30
ClockPlug torn off£3
Mogwai cageCut open£50
Air vent grateGremlin smashes hole in grate£250
DoorGremlin smashes hole in door£180
WiringPhone wires ripped out of wall£500
Drinking glassGlass smashed against wall£2
WallDirty footprints on wall£15
KitchenGremlin gets blended – kitchen covered in goop – cleaning required£35
Dinner platesEntire set of dinner plates smashed against a wall£10
MicrowaveGremlin explodes in microwave. New microwave required£40
Christmas treeTree toppled and decorations smashed£30
CurtainsGremlin blows nose on curtains – cleaning required£10
House windowSmashed pane of glass£200
Glass doorSmashed pane of glass£250
TV arialArial bent£10
Garage doorHuge hole smashed through£700
FenceSmashed through by snow plough£600
House wallSmashed through by snow plough£3,400
Contents of living roomCompletely smashed through by snow plough£2,500
Traffic lightsWires pulled out and lights hot wired£1,700
Stair lift electricsTorn out and hot wired£125
WindowLady thrown through it – totally smashed£250
FenceSmashed down£550
Christmas lightsCut through with scissors£20
TruckCrashed into house£20,000
Neon bar signSmashed£20
Drinking glasses x10Glasses smashed in bar£50
PubTotally trashed – major clean up job£200
Wall lightSmashed£30
Framed pictureSmashed£25
Pub windowHoles smashed through£200
Town Christmas lightsDestroyed£500
Entire bankSmashed up furniture, Christmas tree, framed pictures – major clean ups and repairs needed£2,000
Small movie theatreMajor explosion – rebuild needed£500,000
Department store windowHole smashed through – two large panes broken£250
Department storeCandy dropped everywhere – major clean-up needed£100
TVSmashed with baseball bat£300
WallRip saw blade thrown into a wall – embedded£500
MannequinSmashed to pieces£50
StereoShot with an arrow from a crossbow£20
Baseball batCut through with a chainsaw£10
Department storeFloor sliced majorly with a chainsaw£500
Department storeDissolved gremlin corpse on floor – major clean up required£100

Home Alone 2:

ItemDescriptionCost to repair/replace
CarRoof of car totally smashed£2,000
Front doorKicked door off the hinges£150
WindowWindow broken by a rock£180
ChestBroken lock on wooden chest£30
FloorHole in floor all the way to basement from 1st floor needs fixing (10ft by 10ft)£2,050
PresentGlass present thrown£100
Pearl necklaceNecklace snapped£1,000
ShelvesFallen and broken£120
PaintFell over and spilt everywhere£250
ElectricsElectrics blown on ground floor of house£500
BathroomAll plumbing to be fixed£10,800
TVThrown through floor – smashed£500
LadderSnapped in two£50
HouseThree bed town-house rebuild£190,000
ScaffoldingBroken from the front of the building – needs re-doing£10,000

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas:

ItemDescriptionCost to repair/replace
CarMinor crash – headlamp fell out£800
Glass botteSmashed£5
TreeGigantic town Christmas tree burnt down£500
Window x3Windows smashed through£300
Exterior of buildingsExplosion – fire damage to 6 buildings£150,000
SleighCrashed into wall£200
PlateBroken plate£10
WindowsBed smashed through whole window pain£1,000


ItemDescriptionCost to repair/replace
Record playerRecord player smashed£300
ToiletToilet blocked£192
Toilet seatSeat broken off toilet£156
Flooding to bathroomEntire bathroom flooded£10,000
Bathroom electricsFlooding short circuits electrics£125
Toilet cisternPulled off from wall£336
Bathroom pipePipe burst£288
BathroomPlumbing to be re-done£10,800
BathBath dislodged from fittings£300
Wooden flooring on landingFlooded£500
Wooden stairsFlooded£500
Satellite dish x6Knocked completely off house£400
Ford CarDoor crashed into by another car£2,000
Geography guild metal pipes x 12Exploded pipes£600
DoorKicked lock open£150
Wooden flooring in kitchenHeavy fire damage£900
Smoke damageSmoke damage to entire kitchen£7,000

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